Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft was a governess, writer and teacher. She supported women rights and wrote a well-known book called Of the Pernicious Which Arise from the Unnatural Distinctions Established in Society. She published this book 1792, but before publishing this book of women, she wrote a book in 1790 named A Vindication of the Rights of Men. So we see she didn’t take only one side, she wrote books on perspectives of both sides. In her reading, she explains how women in society are being treated. It focuses on the class and inequalities women had to face on a daily basis.
Wollstonecraft starts off her reading by describing society as evils and venomous serpents. As stated in the second paragraph, “men neglect the duties incumbent on man, yet are treated like demi-gods” (pg. 656). Even though men did not fulfill their obligations as men, they were still treated as gods. On the other hand, if women didn’t do their part they were treated badly. At a certain point, women were somewhat dependent of men. It isn’t to be expected that goodness come from women being dependent of them. They will be “cunning, mean, and selfish” (pg. 656). They were treated with such despair that their natural affection of being a good wife or mother wasn’t there. Women were missing out from true happiness.
As long as women lived, they were only admired for their beauty. As their beauty would fade away, men would connect automatically with their children. Because of society’s obsession with women’s beauty, they spent their time trying to pretty themselves to please their husbands. Spending all their time fixing themselves, they neglect their house duties but most of all their motherly duties. Women have two most important duties: to love herself as who she was and to be a mom. But by being treated as dolls, women would go insane because they had nothing else to do. Men at least were able to go to war and occupy themselves with that. Women didn’t have no voice whatsoever. Society praised women for being young and beautiful, but as they grew with age they were then rejected with such hatred.
Despite women being admired for their beauty and youth, Wollstonecraft also talked about the destruction of riches. “As riches and inherited honors are to the human character, women are more debased and cramped, if possible, by them than men, because men may still, in some degree, unfold their faculties by becoming soldiers and statesman” (pg.659). As mentioned before men would go work for the military while women stayed at home caring for the household. Men had the option to become soldiers or statesman as the quote mentioned. Women were cramped up at home doing the same things over and over again. And there were points in life were they would go insane. Even though they would go insane they would still praise their men. Also if women were severely beaten, they would receive and care for their husbands with open arms. In the end, women should respect themselves and should be treated with dignity.