The Four Idols

In “The Four Idols” by Francis Bacon, Bacon introduces to his readers the four types of idols. These four class of idols are “Idols of the Tribe”, “Idols of the Cave”, “and Idols of the Marketplace”, and lastly the “Idols of the Theater”. Each idol has different characteristics that set them apart from each other.
To start off, let’s explain what the “Idols of the Tribe” is. As the reading mentions “The Idols of the Tribe have their foundation in human nature itself” (Bacon 882). To my understanding, Bacon is saying men senses are dull and it is hard to change their way of being. Also we have this inclination to see what we want to see. For example, when a mother tells another mother that her kid is acting up the mom knows her kid is bad but doesn’t want to see it. So the mom sees what she wants to see or believe what she wants to believe. With that, as human beings we tend to jump to conclusions right away. We judge others and what they do.
Idols of the Theater base themselves on three types of philosophy: sophistical, empirical, and superstitious. Sophistical philosophy believe in arguments that are abstract. Which is they have a thought that doesn’t have an existence. Empirical philosophy has a small based research. With that research they expand to explain different types of phenomena. Lastly, they believe in superstitious philosophy. Superstitious philosophy mixes theology and philosophy. Idols of the Theater dig deep for research on these philosophies and believe in what they read.
In the reading, the “Idols of the Cave are known as the idols of the individual man” (Bacon 882). They have their own cave so to say and own their own proper nature. Their obedience is only to certain people of such a particular authority. For example if we were raised catholic, our family tells us to believe in the Virgin Mary. Why do we believe in it? We sometimes don’t know. If we stop worshipping that certain idol, we’re told bad things can happen to us. So it’s really hard for someone with a different religion can talk us out of it.
Idols of the Marketplace believe some things that do not really exist. Or they believe in some misleading names that do exist. Idols of the Marketplace are described as “Idols formed by the intercourse and association of men with each other” (Bacon 883). They base their understanding on words that have a variety of meanings. All of this leads them to commit errors later on in life.
To sum it all up, these four type of idols represent the dangers mankind could face if we are not determine to change. We must be aware of these dangers so throughout our life we’re not close minded. Critical thinking plays a significant role in our life. But if we do not let anyone or anything influence us, we might just stick to what we want to know. To really fix ourselves and cleanse everything. These idols all have different ways of thinking and how they live life. Some believe in what they hear, others believe in narrow research and some tend to judge others in what they do. But all of them do their own thing.